Potty Training Your Puppy: Tips for New Owners

One of the biggest challenges and milestones for all new puppy owners is overcoming potty training! As you are about to embark on this journey, we’ve prepared expert tips to help you succeed!

Puppyhood comes with plenty of accidents and when it comes to potty training, there are bound to be some! If you think you don’t know how to tackle this coming-of-age puppy problem, we’re here to tell you, you can! Every new puppy owner goes through this stage but not many are prepared to handle unexpected accidents. In the next few minutes, you’ll learn the fundamentals of potty training your puppy: which training tools to use to help speed up the process, how to set up a consistent potty schedule for your puppy, and learning to avoid some common potty training mistakes!

Potty Training Tools

Part of the process of potty training your puppy will involve using tools like crates and or puppy pads in the house. Not every owner has the option to take their puppy outdoors depending on their living situation and opt to train their puppy to eliminate on puppy pads and some eventually transition their pups to going outside. 

Crate Training

A crate can be an essential part of potty training your puppy as puppies do not like to soil in their sleeping area, so it teaches them to “hold it”. Puppies are den animals and if introduced early enough, you can utilize their natural instinct to see their crate as their safe place. 

Keep in mind that you’ll need an appropriately sized crate for your puppy. A general guideline is that your puppy should be able to comfortably lay down, sit, stand up, and turn around. If the crate is too big your puppy may begin to go potty on one side of the crate and begin to associate that it’s okay to do so which will slow down the potty training process.

You can learn more about Why & How to Crate Train Your Puppy in our blog. Plus, learn how to pick the right crate for your puppy!

Puppy Pads

Although training your puppy to potty outside is the ideal situation, that isn’t always an option for all new owners who don’t have access to a yard or live too far (i.e. live in an apartment building) from an outdoor area. In this case, potty training your puppy on puppy pads is an option and you can always transition your puppy to learn to eliminate outside later on. 

Pro tip: A great alternative to puppy pads is using a grass patch. Not synthetic -- real grass! There are companies that will deliver grass patches to your door! Opting to use a grass patch will facilitate the transition from going there to outdoors much easier.

Select a designated spot in the home to place the puppy pads. While potty training your puppy, we recommend putting up a barrier like a playpen surrounding the puppy pad and placing your puppy on there at their potty time so they learn to target the pad and not the floor. 

Depending on the size of your pup, you can either carry them right to it or guide them with their leash. As you build the habit of taking them to the pad each time to potty, you can begin removing one side of the boundary and guiding your puppy to their spot when it's time for them to go until they recall to do so each time on their own. Change the pad often, but leave a lightly soiled area, especially in the beginning stages. The scent will help your puppy learn that this area is where they should be going!

The downside to potty training your puppy on puppy pads is that you are essentially encouraging them to go potty indoors. Some puppies even mistake doormats, bath mats, or area rugs, for example, as a pad because they can seem like the same thing and this becomes very confusing for a young learning pup. 

Transitioning to Your Puppy to go Potty Outside

If your puppy has been using puppy pads and you want to transition them to going outside, there are a few easy steps you can follow to make the transition:

  1. Start using a command like “Go potty” every time your puppy goes potty. Once they do, make sure you give them lots of praise and repeat doing this every time!

  2. Next, begin moving a puppy pad toward the door. Only move it a small distance each day in order to not confuse your puppy, until you get it right by the door leading outside.

  3. Move the puppy pad outside, and continue moving it as you did in step #2 until you get it to the final spot you want your puppy to use going forward. Stay with them and encourage them to go using the command “Go potty”.

  4. Lastly, remove the puppy pad at their final spot, and give them their potty command to go!

It’s important that you remain consistent with your puppy in their potty training process by taking them to their potty area each time and remaining with them until they go. Give them lots of praise when they get the swing of going potty outside! It’s a big deal and a major milestone that will create a lasting and lifelong behavior, so you want to make sure they know they did a good job!

Create a Daily Potty Schedule

In a recent blog, Create a Daily Schedule for Your Puppy, we covered your puppy’s overall day-to-day activities, including scheduled potty breaks. Being able to predict when your puppy needs to go to the bathroom will help immensely in the potty training process and to avoid unexpected accidents in your home! 

The best way to start incorporating a potty training schedule is to consistently stick to times throughout the day in order to give your puppy ample opportunities to potty in the right spot! Think about a potty training schedule that flows with their other day-to-day activities in a pattern. It should look like: potty break, activity (play, walk, training, etc.,) food and water, nap and repeat! Your day should be a continuous cycle of this pattern. 

During the day, your puppy will need to potty more frequently and typically can go longer overnight. If your puppy eats first, then plays, that’s when most accidents occur because they’re more active and stirring up their bladders and bowels! But if you have your puppy eat and drink at the end of play followed by a nap in their crate, this helps avoid accidents and teaches them how to “hold it”. 

How to Determine When Your Puppy Needs to Potty

If you are trying to determine your potty training schedule, as a general guideline, take your puppy’s age in months and then divide it in half to determine how many hours they can go in between potty breaks. For example, a 4-month-old puppy can usually go two hours before needing another potty break. So when setting a schedule, let’s say for the morning before work, if you get up at 6 am you can take them out first thing, then let your puppy out again at 8 am.

No surprise here but a huge part of predicting when your puppy needs to go potty stems from a consistent feeding schedule! Since puppies’ stomachs are still small and sensitive, their feedings should be split up throughout the day for a minimum of three meals per day. This means if you are feeding your puppy in the morning, afternoon, and evening, you can anticipate that your puppy will need to go soon after each meal. 

For the most part, puppies will need to relieve themselves within 30 minutes from eating, while others can go longer or shorter, depending on the level of their activity. 

Don’t leave your puppy’s food or a large bowl of water out for them to consume as they wish, as this can completely throw off their potty training schedule.

Check out our sample pup’s daily schedule to help you determine the best schedule for you, and help you potty train your puppy!

Common “Accidents” New Owners Make

We have new students come into The Puppy Academy with a variety of training needs, potty training being one of them! Some new owners simply aren’t aware that they may be doing something that’s slowing down the potty training process. But hey, it’s a journey and there are bound to be accidents! Don’t sweat it if you made a couple of these mistakes and if you haven’t but are about to start potty training your puppy, take note of these common mistakes new owners make!

Lack of supervision

Giving your puppy too much room to roam around and not monitoring them is a guaranteed potty accident waiting to happen! If you can’t keep an eye on your puppy, put your puppy in their crate!

Expecting too much from your puppy

Your puppy most likely isn’t going to let you know when they need to go potty and neither will they go out on their own if you leave the door open if they haven’t learned to yet. (Also, both of these situations don't teach your puppy how to "hold it" for longer periods but instead go anytime they wish to.) It’s up to you to bring them outside to potty in the right spot and follow the potty training schedule to create the habit and speed up the potty training process!

24/7 access to food and/or water

You're significantly slowing the potty training process by leaving free access to food and water all day. It makes the ability to predict when your puppy will need to go next much more difficult and you will most likely experience more accidents and a puppy who eliminates much more frequently. 

Letting your puppy go in their crate

If you start putting a puppy pad in the crate, you will encourage your puppy to go potty in their sleeping area. Keep pee pads of their crate!

Getting emotional

Letting yourself get upset just makes you upset. It doesn’t do anything to help your puppy learn where they should or shouldn’t go. Maintain your patience and calm when dealing with your puppy’s little accidents. Always praise them when they get it right (throw a little potty party!) and instead ignore the mistakes and simply clean them up. 

Not being consistent or reading the signals

If your puppy has an accident, you may be accidentally messing up the potty training schedule or missing their signals! Did they just eat or drink and weren't taken out soon enough? Were they whining trying to tell you something and you missed the signal? Did you let them outside and thought they went, only to have them come back inside and go? All these things give us feedback on how we can do better for the next time -- which is often just being more consistent with our schedules and watching them more closely!

Do You Need More In-Depth Help Potty Training Your Puppy?

When it comes to potty training, encountering some accidents along the way is a given, but you can drastically reduce these and get your puppy potty trained quickly with the right guidance tailored for your individual pup!

In The Puppy Academy Online School, we developed our super popular Potty Training Bootcamp course for new puppy owners struggling to potty train their puppies, and those who want to get their pup on the right track from day one!

Our trainers go through how to create your own personal potty schedule that fits your lifestyle, troubleshoots common potty training issues owners face, and give you a gameplan to follow that grows with your pup as they continue to do better, to ensure you’re living an accident-free life in no time. Plus, you’ll be able to update our trainers with how your pup is doing and get their advice on any tweaks to make to create potty perfection!
For more information, visit the Online School to get started today!

Keys to Puppy Potty Training Success

Consistency, patience, a schedule, and lots of praise are the key factors to remember in order to successfully potty train your puppy. Using tools like a crate can significantly help you in the potty training process, additionally maintaining a schedule will benefit your puppy in developing a lasting behavior. But your overall disposition plays a huge part in your puppy’s development. Be their biggest fan when they get it right and don’t sweat the accidents -- you’re the most valuable asset to potty training your puppy!

Our trainers are available to answer questions live every Wednesday at 1 pm PT on @thepuppyacademy Instagram!

Join our Very Important Puppy list to receive puppy tips right in your inbox every week!

Check out these blogs related to puppy training and more!

Hot Weather Safety for Puppies!

Why and How to Crate Train Your Puppy!

10 Fun Things to do at Home with Your Puppy!

Why and How to Crate Train Your Puppy

Crate, sweet, crate! If you’re potty training, traveling or just looking for a safe place for your puppy to call their own, welcome to crate training 101!



If you haven’t considered crate training your new pup, or are still unsure of the use and benefits, there are a few things we can help you understand about how crate training can be an invaluable tool for you and for your pup! At The Puppy Academy, we recommend crate training because of all the benefits that come along with it for both the puppies and their owners. Potty training, impulse control, separation anxiety prevention, safety - all of these factors can be positively impacted by introducing crate training to your puppy!

Picking the Right Crate 

First thing’s first, you want to ensure that you are picking the right crate type and size for your puppy. A good rule of thumb is that it needs to be big enough for them to stand, turn, sit and lay down comfortably. And even though this may seem counter-intuitive, puppies feel more at ease in cozy and snug crates - think of dens in the wild that are small underground shelters - because it creates a sense of security. While we as owners often want to give them the whole house to roam, a smaller space also means they will be prone to fewer accidents. Why? Going back to their wilder instincts, puppies will naturally avoid soiling where they sleep. If your puppy is going to the bathroom on one side of the crate, and hanging out on the other side, it’s too big for them.

Crating is the most valuable tool for new puppy parents. It provides a safe place pups can settle and nap in, providing new puppy owners peace of mind so they can take a break to eat a meal, do household chores, shower, etc. It’s like putting a baby in their crib.
— Tip from The Puppy Academy Trainers, Sparky

So Many Crates to Choose From!

@casper via @mensweardog

@casper via @mensweardog

The pet supply market is saturated with different brands and varieties of crate types for puppies. We narrowed down to tried and true crates, plus included a few tidbits to keep in mind about each crate option. 

  1. Plastic - We recommend and use plastic crates as much as possible at The Puppy Academy! Since these crates have a sturdy plastic plus more coverage on the sides, puppies can’t see out as much which in turn helps to calm and settle them by blocking out unnecessary stimuli. Additionally, these crates are great for travel if you plan to bring your puppy with you! Depending on your puppy’s breed and size, you’ll need to verify the requirements with the airline. If you have a small puppy, however, a soft-fabric carrier for under the seat will work perfectly for travel!

  2. Metal Wire - An all-metal wire crate is also a great option for your puppy! Many of these crates come with dividers that you can use to adjust the size so your puppy can gradually grow into it and to avoid accidents inside the crate. These are a great option for large breed pups! If you find that your puppy is too overstimulated and can’t settle down, consider covering the crate with a blanket while leaving a portion open for airflow.

  3. Fabric - Although these collapsible crates are good for secondary shelter and convenient to take with you on short weekend trips, we don’t usually recommend these for young puppies! A soft fabric crate can easily be mistaken as a chew toy for a bored puppy so you may want to wait to introduce a fabric crate when your puppy is older.

While these options are available and we can provide recommendations, ultimately picking a crate type will be entirely up to you and the needs of your puppy! Some puppies like more enclosed spaces while others prefer to see their surroundings. You may have to try out different options first before settling on one type to use.

Introducing your puppy to their new crate can seem like a daunting task but remember to be patient with them as they learn their new surroundings especially with crate training! At The Puppy Academy, our goal is to ensure that all our puppies learn to love and feel comfortable in their crate. We even call it their "House" because we want their crate to feel like their home! It is important for puppies to know they have a personal space that's just for them, where they can feel safe and secure in.

Here are a few crate training steps you can practice at home:

Step 1. Initially, you can place treats in the crate to encourage them to go in on their own. You can also gently guide with your hand if needed. When they enter their crate, use the command “House” to associate their crate with that command.

Make going in and out of the crate a game by using treats and praise, so your pup has fun and continues to build a positive relationship with it!
— Tip from The Puppy Academy Trainer, Rebecca

As your puppy gets older, they will learn to hold their potty longer without accidents, so crate time can begin to be reduced. Nevertheless we encourage owners to continue to use their crate as it provides structure and security as puppies grow. Plus, when your puppy has a space they love and love forward to spending time in, you’ll want to keep it for them!

Step 2. Another method of introducing the crate to your puppy is to incorporate it during their feedings! Feed them in the crate to help associate a positive experience while being inside.

Step 3. As your puppy starts to feel more comfortable going into their crate, start extending the period of time they are inside. Remember to start with short intervals. Puppies are still developing and their bladders can’t hold for as long as an older dog.

Step 4: When it comes to crate training, consistency is key. Let your puppy learn to settle down in their crate - whining and squirming around is a normal part of the process at this time- without taking them out every time they protest. Overnight crating is important for a young puppy and breaking the routine by letting them in your bed one night then trying to crate them the next won’t work! This causes confusion for your puppy. We recommend sticking to a schedule as much as possible to create a consistent boundary and structure. 

Using a crate for potty training makes it less frustrating for both you and your pup by giving you a safe place that encourages structure and good habits! Plus it can help speed up the potty training process!
— Tip from The Puppy Academy Trainer, Josh

Not all puppies are the same. Some take naturally to the crate from day one but others need extra guidance.

The Puppy Academy Online School provides new puppy owners with extra help to get their puppy loving their crate with easy-to-follow routines!

Depending on your puppy, you may experience separation anxiety in the beginning so whining, barking, and yowling are all normal things you may encounter -- ahh the joys of puppy parenthood! But following the routines in the online school crate training course will help your puppy overcome these challenges!

For more info, check out The Puppy Academy Online School and get started today!

The “Don’ts” of Crate Training

What crate training isn’t is a form of punishment. Their crate is supposed to be a safe place where puppies feel comfortable and safe. You want your puppy to want to go into their crate on their own and not associate being reprimanded. It’s also not a way to leave your puppy unattended for long intervals. As a general rule, take puppies under 4 months old out of crate every 1-2 hours, and puppies over 4 months out every 2-4 hours.

Why We Love Crates!



In our experience, crate training is one of the most valuable assets for puppy training and puppy parents! We find that it is super helpful at speeding up the housebreaking process and how it helps create an independent puppy and reduces separation anxiety. As puppy trainers, we see how much our students and their owners benefit from being crated. So much so, many of the owners we’ve worked with have decided to keep a crate throughout their puppy’s life because of the comfort and security it provides, and how much their puppy enjoys having their own space!

Join our next Ask a Puppy Trainer Show live Q&A on @thepuppyacademy Instagram! Every Wednesday at 1 pm PT we answer your puppy training and care questions live. Join our Very Important Puppy list to receive puppy tips right in your inbox every week!

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